
Transfer Student Checklist

现在你已经被十大博彩推荐排名州立大学录取了, 你的下一步就是注册成为一名正式的红鹰. Use the checklist below for guidance.

有关后续步骤的更多帮助,请查看我们的在线 转会谈话-我被录取了,现在怎么办? webinars. 我们的下一个转会讲座是6月26日星期三,你可以报名 here.

Step 1

Ensure you receive any financial aid you may be eligible for by filing the Free Application for Federal Student Assistance (FAFSA) at fafsa.gov. 提交申请时一定要列出十大博彩推荐排名. The FAFSA is now open to apply here for the 2024-2025 academic year.

如果财政援助部门向你提出了任何文件要求, 一定要回复,这样我们才能尽快把你的包裹给你.

Questions about this step? 报名参加金融援助网络研讨会,观看我们的录音 Financial Aid Webinar. 你也可以联系红鹰中心 973-655-7600 or email redhawkcentral@yinghuiqibao.com


Step 2
Tell us you're coming to Montclair

To pay your deposit,请使用您的申请表中提供的校园ID (CWID) acceptance letter. 使用您的CWID(8位数字)在“名称”字段和您的PIN登录, 您的六位数出生日期(MMDDYY), in the “Password” field.

Deposit Deadlines 

  • Fall 2024 Transfers: June 1, 2024

Please note that submitting your deposit before the deadline is highly encouraged for class registration eligibility.

如果你计划住在校园秋季2024, 请在5月1日前提交不可退还的住房押金. Housing is guaranteed for Fall 2024 transfer students who submit their housing deposit by May 1. 网上住房申请将于6月初开始. Learn More about Housing Selection!

关于转学生押金的问题? 联系本科招生办公室,电话: 973-655-4444 or email transfermsu@yinghuiqibao.com for assistance.

关于你的住房存款和申请的问题? 联系住宿生活办公室,电话: 973-655-5188 or email reslife@yinghuiqibao.com for assistance.

Please allow 24-36 hours for your payment/s to be processed before moving on to Step 3.

Step 3
Obtain your NetID

Your NetID is your Montclair State email account login ID and your ID for other web-based University systems. Your NetID and instructions for how to activate it will be emailed to you 2-3 business days after you deposit. Please note, your NetID cannot be activated until you submit your new student deposit.

  1. Please activate your NetID after receiving the NetID and instructions email from Undergraduate Admissions (which is sent 2-3 business days after you deposit). Please note: As a new student, you should only choose the “CWID” or “SSN” related challenge questions. Please wait a minimum of 24 hours before attempting to access other University systems outside of NEST.
  2. Once your NetID is claimed, please log into Gmail to activate your Montclair State University email. 用户名是您的netid@yinghuiqibao.com . edu和密码将与您在上面申请Net ID时使用的密码相同.
  3. Please Note: 当你第一次登录十大博彩推荐排名的系统使用你的NetID, 您将被提示激活您的MFA(多因素身份验证). 有关如何执行此操作的更多信息,请参阅 MFA Quick Reference Guide. For your reference, here’s a full list of SSO-enabled applications 这就需要外交部保护你的隐私.When completed, you will use your NetID, newly established password, 以及从Google Authenticator检索到的MFA代码, each time you log in to nest.yinghuiqibao.com, Gmail, and other University systems. 不要删除Google Authenticator应用程序.
  4. Once your NetID has been activated, you will begin receiving communications to your Montclair email account from your academic advisors and other University staff.

Please note, after the NetID has been claimed, 它将取代您的CWID和PIN作为您登录NEST的凭据.

Questions about this step? 联系本科招生办公室,电话: 973-655-4444 or email msuadm@yinghuiqibao.com for assistance.

Step 4

提醒:转学学分仅来自正式的大学成绩单. Unofficial college transcripts will not post credits to your official academic record.

To learn how courses are transferred to Montclair State and to understand their course equivalencies, log into the NEST student services website. Enter your CWID and your PIN and click on “register for classes” at the top of the page. Please note:如果你已经领取了NetID, you will use those credentials to log into NEST to view your Transfer Credit Evaluation.

Once logged in, go to the “Transfer Credit Evaluation” and click on “DegreeWorks.”

Your audit will be available for your review online shortly after you receive your acceptance notification. 当您的信用评估准备好时,您将收到一封电子邮件. 对于2024年秋季转学生,您将在2024年早春收到通知.

Learn more about our Transfer Credit Appeals Process.

Questions about this step? 联系本科招生办公室,电话: 973-655-4444 or email transfermsu@yinghuiqibao.com for assistance.

Step 5
Schedule a Meeting with Your Advisor

在您领取NetID后,大约在您存款一周后, 你可以和你的指导老师预约注册课程. Please allow at least two business days between claiming your NetID and trying to log into Navigate, the campus advising system

Make An Advising Appointment Now

Your advisor, 你所选择的学院/学校的专业工作人员, will help you select your courses for your first semester at Montclair and provide you the PIN you need to register. 在你预约之前,一定要检查你的转学分评估. Spring students are able to register for Winter and Spring and fall students are able to register for Summer and Fall.

Questions about this step? 联系本科招生办公室,电话: 973-655-4444 or email transfermsu@yinghuiqibao.com for assistance.

Step 6
Register for Orientation

本科迎新会在第一学期开始前进行. It’s mandatory, but fun!

Register for Orientation

Questions about this step? Contact the Office of Student Belonging at 973-655-4162 or email orientation@yinghuiqibao.com for assistance.


Step 7

Within 48 hours of activating your NetID (step 3 of the checklist), you will be able to access the MyHealthPortal to upload your vaccination records. 十大博彩推荐排名学生的免疫要求是 viewable here. Please follow these steps:

Submit all immunization documentation through MyHealthPortal. (请注意,医疗豁免申请必须上传到 MyHealthPortal as well.) 了解有关如何提交免疫接种表格的更多信息. 2024年秋季的截止日期是7月15日. 如果您在6月1日之后支付定金, 从押金支付之日起,你有三周的时间来提交表格.

Don’t delay! You may be de-registered from your courses if your vaccination records aren’t received by posted deadlines.

如果你需要帮助,请联系大学健康中心 973-655-4361 or by email to askanurse@yinghuiqibao.com. 办公时间为工作日上午8点至下午5点半.

Step 8

All full-time (registered for 12 or more credits) Montclair State students are required to have health insurance coverage. Montclair will automatically enroll you in the Student Health Insurance Plan provided through the University. 如果你有私人医疗保险的话, 您必须出示其他保险证明以放弃此登记. 你可以到 University Health Plans and completing the waiver process. Deadlines will be posted once the bill for your first full (fall or spring) semester is available

Questions about this process? 与大学健康计划的代表联系 833-251-1705 or email info@univhealthplans.com.

关于健康保险账单的问题? Contact Red Hawk Central at 973-655-7600 or email redhawkcentral@yinghuiqibao.com for assistance.

有关十大博彩推荐排名州立大学健康保险计划的详细信息, visit our website.

Step 9
Register for placement tests

Transfer students with fewer than 24 credit hours need to complete appropriate testing -or receive exemption -prior to registering for coursework.

Foreign Language Placement Testing:

All students at Montclair State University must complete the foreign language requirement to graduate. 如果你的转学课程不符合外语要求, 你可能需要完成外语分班考试. Learn more about the test.

关于外语安置的问题? Contact us for assistance.


Placement tests are required for those interested in taking certain chemistry and mathematics courses. 分班考试是远程进行的,学生无需支付任何费用.


  • 对化学120:普通化学I感兴趣的学生
  • Students majoring in:
    • Biochemistry
    • Biology
    • Chemistry
    • Earth and Environmental Science
    • 运动科学(临床及专业前研究方向)
    • Marine Biology
    • Molecular Biology
    • Physics
    • Sustainability Science
  • 医学预科课程的参与者


  • 对微积分I (MATH 122)或微积分A (AMAT 120)感兴趣的学生
  • 科学与数学学院所有本科专业
  • Students majoring in 运动科学(临床及专业前研究方向)
  • 医学预科课程的参与者

After claiming your NetID, you should take your placement test(s) as soon as possible in Canvas. The Chemistry Readiness Test is 35 questions long, and has a 60 minute maximum time limit. The Math Placement Test is 25 questions long, and has a 75 minute maximum time limit.

完成分班考试后, you will be able to register for your math and/or chemistry course the following day.


Exemptions for placement tests may be considered for students with AP or transfer credit. Students that have taken Calculus in high school may also be exempt from the Math Placement Test. Questions about exemptions can be directed to your advisor or the CSAM Student Success Center. If you do not have access to these test(s) in Canvas or have questions about the Chemistry and Math Placement tests, 请与CSAM学生成功中心联系 csamssc@yinghuiqibao.com.

Step 10
Save Time! 提交自己的照片作为大学身份证


Just go to the ID Card Office website to learn how.

Questions about this step? Contact the ID Card Office at 973-655-4147 or email cardservices@yinghuiqibao.com for assistance.

Step 11
Submit your final transcripts

Make sure your final official college and high school transcripts have been submitted prior to the start of the semester. An “official” final transcript comes to us directly from your originating institution (not from the student), either in the mail or electronically. 您的原始机构可以将您的成绩单以电子方式提交到 transfermsu@yinghuiqibao.com or they can mail it to us at:

Montclair State University
Office of Undergraduate Admissions
1 Normal Avenue
Montclair, NJ 07043

The high school transcript requirement is waived for incoming transfer students who have earned an associate degree or 60+ credits from a four-year institution.

Questions about this step? 联系本科招生办公室,电话: 973-655-4444 or email transfermsu@yinghuiqibao.com for assistance.

Step 12
Prepare To Pay Your Bill

十大博彩推荐排名州立大学提供各种 tuition payment options 以满足您的需求,包括付款计划. Don’t forget to formally accept any loans through Financial Aid that you have been offered if you wish to take them.

Questions about this step? Contact Red Hawk Central at 973-655-7600 or email redhawkcentral@yinghuiqibao.com for assistance.