

Tips and 词s of advice for preparing your portfolio for submission to 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学:

Portfolio submissions for Visual Arts, 产品设计 and Fashion are encouraged, but not required.

We recommend that you select examples of your work that best represent your approach to the visual arts. You will also be expected to present your work in a digital format as well as bring original works to a campus interview, 在可能的情况下. 在展示你的作品集时, please note that each work should be described with a title (even if “untitled”), 介质和尺寸.



It is a good idea to include 15 to 20 pieces of work in your portfolio. 少于10个可能不能显示出足够的思想多样性. 超过20个就会变得重复. Include only your strongest work instead of trying to show everything you’ve done. Your art teacher(s) can help you edit your portfolio if you’re not sure what to include.


Color can be represented in a variety of ways: in your drawings, paintings, and even in 3-D work. 看你的作品集的时候, check to see that you have a variety of color projects examining different color relationships.


The way you arrange shapes and forms on a page demonstrates your sense of composition. 甚至在现实主义绘画和照片中, the way you choose to crop an image and choose the view shows your compositional skills.


Your portfolio may consist of any combination of the following:

  • -绘画是视觉艺术家交流的一种方式. 你的绘画能力应该体现在你的作品集里. 这应该包括观察所得的图纸. 你可能会包括一些物体的图画, 静物画, 风景, 自画像和/或生活画.
  • 绘画 – 绘画 may include watercolors, oils, acrylics or gouache, separately or in combination. Your paintings may be realistic or abstract but should reflect your ideas about color and composition. 绘画s, like drawings, preferably should be original and/or reflect live subject matter.
  • 摄影 – Photos may be included in your portfolio, especially if photography is an area of interest for you. Be careful not to include snapshots but to think of photography as a compositional way of seeing.
  • 三维作品 三维作品可以由许多不同的形式组成, 比如雕塑, 陶瓷, 建筑模型, 等.,但工作内容应该与你感兴趣的领域相关. 没有必要在所有作品集中都包含3D作品, 但如果你创造了3D作品并喜欢它, include it; 然而, please make sure it is safely packed or else photographed for your portfolio.
  • 电脑工作 -如果你在电脑上创作过艺术或设计, print out good samples and submit them as part of your portfolio. 根据它们作为设计的效果来挑选, 而不是看你使用某个特定的计算机程序有多好.
  • Video -虽然不是必需品, 如果你已经做了视频的工作,你希望显示, 请以电子格式提供. 工作时间超过五分钟, edit the submission to show those portions you most want to be seen.


不管你感兴趣的领域是什么, 速写本显示你是如何思考的, 这是投资组合中非常重要的元素. 速写 need not be fancy, but should show examples of various projects. In looking at these, the reviewer can see how you develop a project from start to finish.


结合上述一般准则, please review the additional guidelines respective of your intended major:
  • 时装设计与销售 不需要投资组合
  • 说明- - - - - - Please put together a professional presentation of 15-20 works that include labels (ex: title, 媒介, 年完成). All work should indicate a specific light source by use of value and understanding of composition.


    -7-10件观察绘画作品(如静物), 景观生命研究, 画出你面前的东西)
    -At least 1 three-point perspective of some form of architecture (e.g. 建筑物、室内等.)
    -Optional: You may also include a few examples of sequential narratives (e.g. 漫画画板), 原创人物研究, or conceptual illustration ONLY if you consider this your best work.


    -More than 3 examples of character studies/ sequential narratives
    -Unoriginal Fan Art such as drawings of licensed cartoon characters

  • 产品设计 -不需要作品集. 在此查看更多指南: 产品设计录取
  • 视觉艺术—— 不需要投资组合.
  • 视觉传达设计 -在此浏览更多指引: 视觉传达设计录取
  • 直接从印刷照片中绘画 – 画 from photographs printed in magazines or books does not show how you would interpret an image, 但是另一个艺术家已经有了. You may, 然而, use photos for reference, or draw from your own photographs.
  • 复制工作 – Try not to copy directly from other artists or designers for your final portfolio work. Although copying can sometimes help you learn technique, you should only do it for exercise.
  • 过时的工作 – Include only your more recent work, completed within the last two years, in your portfolio. Although you may like a piece you did when you were a high school freshman, 它不会显示你目前的能力.
  • 超级英雄/卡通 – One or two drawings of comic book superheroes may be acceptable to include, especially if this is an area you are interested in pursuing as a career, 但大多数评论家不喜欢看到对它们的过分强调. 这是因为在大多数情况下, the student draws in a pre-existing style as opposed to demonstrating a style of his or her own.
  • 名人 – Everyone likes to do drawings or paintings of their favorite celebrities, 但大多数情况下, 这些灵感来自于另一位艺术家的照片. 如果你真的想加入明星作品, 确保艺术本身是有趣的, 不仅仅是因为主题是名人.
  • 快照 – 快照 differ from photographs in that they tend to be quick remembrances of a vacation, 聚会,派对, 场合, 等. 而不是深思熟虑的工作. Photographs that are interesting compositionally through the use of tone, 颜色和视角, 然而, 值得包括吗.

The 艺术与设计系 asks that you upload your work electronically as part of your application in Slate. This will enable us to have a record of your work and enable additional faculty members to view it. Below are some options for preparing digital files for submission:

  • 创建PDF格式的多页作品集.
  • 在博客上发布你的作品集.
  • Post your portfolio on Facebook by creating a photo album titled “My Portfolio.”
  • Upload all works as single files using the system in any of the following formats: jpg, pdf, tiff, 词, .mov. 确保每个图像不超过2MB.
  • 如果你有一个作品集网站,提供PDF格式的URL. 您的PDF文件必须小于10MB.

Please note: it is no longer required to have an in person interview to review your portfolio. 


一个人的艺术作品是由广泛的经验所启发的, 包括过去和现在的其他艺术家创作的艺术. Try to visit museums often to look at both recent and historic work. Seeing a work of art in person is very different from looking at a reproduction in a book, 并将帮助您更好地理解颜色和技术. Galleries are the best places to see current trends, and some show design as well as fine art.