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校友焦点:Rayane Yamout

发布: 校友成功故事, 就业资讯, 就业服务重点, 书院新闻及公告

Rayane Yamout的照片

Rayane Yamout graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Public Relations in 2020 and a Master of Arts in Public and Organizational Relations in 2023.

Like many of her peers, she was not completely sure what to major in.

“It was not until I took my first elective in the 传播与媒体学院 that I finally felt like I belonged,亚莫特说。. “It was a very easy decision to choose SCM and this major, as it allowed me to explore a wide area of subjects under the PR umbrella.”

During her time at Montclair, Rayane took Hawk Communications with Professor Keith Green.

“There would be no Hawk Communications without Professor Keith Green,亚莫特说。. “Professor Green provided every student with hands-on learning and invaluable insights through his mentorship.”

Hawk Communications gave Rayane practical experience and useful skills in her career.

“这提高了我对截止日期的管理能力, 提高了我探索创新战术的能力, 顺利地把我带进了领导岗位,亚莫特说。. “超越一个典型的班级, it acted as a practical bridge to the professional world, blending theory with real-world application seamlessly.”

Rayane also gained real-world experience during her time with Agency 405, 哪个是学生经营的跨媒体机构.

“Under the guidance of Professor Linda Thomas, the experience was transformative,亚莫特说。. “Professor Thomas’s exceptional leadership and belief in our potential instilled a sense of professionalism in each of us. 类结构反映了鹰通信公司, 我们在哪里与真正的客户打交道, 管理他们的社交媒体形象, 提出创新的想法. This hands-on approach not only honed our skills but also fostered a collaborative environment, 塑造一个有价值的和动态的学习经验.”

With all of this hands-on experience, Rayane recently started working at KWT Global.

“My current title at KWT Global is Associate Account Executive, 社交+影响者营销,亚莫特说。. “我的日常工作包括写文案, 制作媒体宣传, and assisting my team in refining projects and meeting deadlines through creative content creation. The best part is the ability to explore other interests through the various tasks offered.”

One of the things she enjoys about her current position is the opportunities that each day brings.

“I appreciate the opportunity to be challenged and grow professionally,亚莫特说。. “My new role allows me to try something new every day. Most importantly, they value mentorship on all levels. I have the opportunity to teach others around me through topics I am interested in.”

Rayane completed her undergraduate and graduate degrees at Montclair, 所以她可以证明这是如何为她的事业做好准备的.

“Montclair helped me grow both academically and professionally,亚莫特说。. “The university itself offers a diverse array of courses and extracurricular activities that allowed me to independently explore my interests. The master’s program offered a comprehensive and rigorous academic curriculum that equipped me with the knowledge and skills necessary for my current role. The university’s commitment to fostering hands-on learning through internships, and practical courses allowed me to have an easier transition from campus to corporate.”

Rayane has three pieces of advice for current students. 首先,走出你的舒适区.

“挑战自己,”亚莫特说. “One of the best ways to grow is by stepping out of your comfort zone. 大学只是你人生中短暂的一章, 所以充分利用它,参与其中, 交朋友, 设定目标! 如果你不问, you won’t receive – sometimes all it takes is a simple question to open the door to opportunities.”

Her second piece of advice is to utilize the resources available to you.

“It is crucial to seek available resources around you,亚莫特说。. “例如, the 职业服务 Center brought me a great deal of help after I completed my master’s program. 我和维多利亚·诺塔谈了一会儿, and she offered valuable insights along with tips and tricks that significantly enhanced my resume, 让我在潜在雇主面前脱颖而出. Victoria’s words of encouragement made me believe that I would soon land a job, 尤其是我们正在经历的艰难市场.”

Lastly, is to build a connection with your classmates and professors.

“My last piece of advice is to connect with your classmates and professors on LinkedIn,亚莫特说。. “From my experience attending Montclair for both undergrad and graduate, 每个人都愿意帮助指导你. Make the effort to get to know the people around you and build on these relationships.”

As for the future, Rayane would like to return to where it started.

“One of my future goals is to return and teach at the 传播与媒体学院—professors like Keith Green, Dr. Yi Luo, Mary Scott, Linda Zani Thomas和Dr. Bakelaar have left a profound impact on me,亚莫特说。. “Their commitment to pushing students to be their best, 用有意义的方式挑战他们, and dedicating time to their students has inspired me to one day have the same level of impact and mentorship for future students. 作为一个移民, attaining my master’s degree and securing a job in NYC stands as one of the greatest accomplishments I could ever imagine. I am not sure what the future holds, but I am prepared for any endeavor to come.”


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