The back steps near the Feliciano School of Business on a summer day.

Link Majors to Careers

Choosing a Major

When choosing a major it’s important to explore the subjects that intrigue you and hold your interest. Think about what you’d like to learn just for fun. You will be spending a lot of time working in your major, so your choice is important!

  • Start by taking the Holland Code Quiz to match your interests, skills and work personality traits to occupations. Scroll to the bottom of the results page and click on your Holland Codes in the yellow box to view more occupations.
  • Use your results to explore the programs of study available at Montclair State. Enter a major or occupational interest in the University’s search tool to view relevant degrees, programs and coursework.
  • Make an appointment with Career Services to talk through your interests and how they align with programs of study and career outcomes.

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