

Cooperative Education (co-op) provides practical experience for students that will enhance and complement classroom learning. 通过这次经历, you can gain skill-building content for your resume, 明确你的职业目标, 与你所在行业的专业人士建立联系, 和更多的. 学生 enrolled in a co-op course can also receive academic credit for the co-op experience. 了解更多关于合作社的信息, please review the information below or connect with us at a CSAM Co-op Information Session.





  • 有学分的学术课程
  • 会和教员一起工作吗
    • 收到一个字母等级
    • 期望完成作业
    • 没有每周的班会
  • 必须平行于一个学期

  • 可选完成学分(如.g., coed401(免选修学分)
  • 没有截止日期
  • Term of internship usually decided between the employer and student
  • 没有每周的最低工作时间
  • 生物学与分子生物学专业:
    • 4 credits (15 hours per week) for a total of 225 hours.
    • 专为合作社设计的学术课程:BIOL409
  • Computer Science, Information Technology and Data Science Majors:
    • 3 credits (15 hours per week) for a total of 225 hours.
    • 为合作社设计的学术课程:CSIT491
    • Information Technology co-op is required; Computer Science co-op is optional; Data Science choose between co-op or research
  • 生物化学, 化学, 数学, 物理, 应用数学, 地球与环境研究专业:
    • 3 credits (15 hours per week) for a total of 225 hours.
    • The above CSAM majors do not have academic courses within the major curriculum; therefore, students will not receive credit for participation in co-op towards their major. Rather, co-op credit will be applied as free elective credit on the transcript (e.g.COED401).
Co-op provides students with practical experience related to their major that will enhance and complement their classroom learning. 通过这次经历, you can gain a resume-building opportunity; 明确你的职业目标, 与你所在行业的专业人士建立联系, 和更多的. Co-op students receive academic credit for their work experience.
秋季提供带薪实习(15周), 春季(15周), and summer semesters (15 weeks); there is no winter co-op session.
是的, there are deadlines to submit your co-op application (see 页面顶部).
一般来说,学生必须有2分.最低GPA为0 and have earned 30 credits before applying.
学生 who transfer into 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 with an associate or bachelor’s degree do not have to obtain any course credit at 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 to be eligible for co-op.
学生 who transfer into 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 without a degree must complete at least nine credits at 十大博彩推荐排名州立, have at least 30 accumulated credits (including 十大博彩推荐排名州立 and transfer), 然后是2.最低GPA为0.
Register via Handshake to attend a CSAM Co-op Information Session
The Co-op application form is found on Handshake (Click on NEST > 职业服务 > Handshake > My Account > Co-op & 实习)
My major requires that I complete a departmental approval form, where can I find this form?
The Departmental Approval form is also found on Handshake (资源 > 生物学/Molecular 生物学 Approval Form, 资讯科技审批表格, Computer Science Approval Form and CSAM General Majors Approval Form)
不,我们不能保证你能买到合作公寓. 这是一个竞争非常激烈的过程. You should be actively involved and stay on top of the process. Follow-up in a timely and professional manner is essential throughout the job search to ensure your success.
Can I find my own position and use it for co-op?
是的, this is called a student-developed position. Your position may be approved if the work is related to your major or your career goals and if the work experience provides new learning.
Your CSAM 职业服务 representative must approve these positions through Handshake.
是的, if you can demonstrate new learning through a promotion, 在公司的不同职位, or evidence of a project or tasks that will compromise at least 50% of the time spent at the work site.
How do I earn a grade for my co-op experience?
You earn your grade by fulfilling ALL of these requirements:
  • 成功完成你的合作岗位;
  • Submitting academic projects that are assigned by your co-op faculty advisor as part of the learning agreement;
  • 必要时参加合作社研讨会.
是的, it is possible but you need to discuss this with the employer, your co-op faculty advisor and your advisor. Guidelines for course withdrawal established by the Registrar must be followed.
是的, you pay tuition and fees just as you do for any other course.
Am I obligated to work for my co-op employer after graduation?
No, and while many co-ops do lead to a permanent job offer, it is best to do a thorough job hunt that includes many potential employers.
  • 查看Handshake网站上的招聘信息
  • 参加招聘会
  • 公司网站
  • 当前的雇主
  • 网络
  • 社交媒体(e).g.、LinkedIn、Twitter)
  • 参加由雇主主持的工作坊(例如.g.科摩多紧急医疗协会(ADP)
  • 专业实习如:
  • 时间管理(i).e., when’s the optimal time for you to participate in a co-op?)
    • Give yourself time to secure an internship (i.e., application process, interview, complete paperwork)
  • Co-op is a great experience building opportunity (i.e.(简历制作)
  • 积极主动地寻找实习机会
  • Attend CSAM Workshops for 找工作 Strategies, 采访策略, 科学简历写作和更多. 在握手中注册所有职业事件.
Where can I find more information about co-ops?
  • Register via Handshake to attend a CSAM Co-op Information Session
  • 查看我们的 Canvas 更多的合作社信息页面
  • 发送电子邮件至 grullonk@yinghuiqibao.com
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