
OFE seeks to supplement faculty research 和 career development by highlighting the existing offices 和 resources, sponsoring programs from these offices, 和 inviting faculty experts to offer workshops.

Take a look at the resources identified in the left navigation 和 below, 和 check out OFE事件 看看接下来会发生什么.

研究 Community at Montclair: Repositories 和 Collaborations

Scholarship at Montclair: Repositories

Montclair Higher Ed Scholarship

Montclair OFE Digital Commons: collections on Teaching 和 Learning 和 Higher Ed administration, 政策, 领导, 和发展.

Faculty who have ideas for programs should contact Emily Isaacs.  想法欢迎.


Grants Primer from the Office of Sponsored Programs

Have a vague idea about a grant?  不知道怎么开始?  在这次会议上,Dana Natale, Pre-Award Services Manager 和 Catherine Bruno, 高级职位奖励主任, both of the Office for Sponsored Programs, will lead participants through a quick but thorough underst和ing of the grant lifecycle 和 their Office’s role in supporting faculty pursuing grants. They’ll briefly cover finding funding, developing 和 submitting proposals, post-award processes 和 Montclair’s own internal grants. Recording of May 24, 2022 program (Panopto)*

Corporations 和 Foundations 101: Securing Private 和 Corporate Grants

企业 & Foundation Relations (CFR) office works with faculty, staff 和 administration to secure grants from private 和 corporate foundations to support 大学 programs 和 initiatives. CFR works closely with campus partners to build relationships with foundations, develop proposals 和 budgets, 和 steward the application 和 reporting processes. In this workshop, CFR 101, you will learn what Corporate & Foundation Relations does 和 how you can best partner with CFR to gain support for your programs. 由 Brianne贝尔德露丝Kunstadter.

Recording of November 1, 2022 program (Panopto)*


Undergraduate as well as graduate student research is on the rise, 和 both students 和 faculty benefit from these opportunities (see article on benefits for HSIs). The challenge is to figure out how to manage your team 和 projects effectively. 在这个面板中, 资深团队领导, 劳拉Lakusta, 心理学, 和妮可·利特尔, Child Advocacy 和 Social Work,  share their insights 和 tips from years of working in research labs with both funded 和 unfunded graduate 和 undergraduate students. They make it work 和 so can you.

Recording of October 27, 2022 program (Panopto)*

Reading 和 Discussion Groups

OFE offers reading 和 discussion groups organized by topic, often with the support of an instructor who will co-lead the program. Interested in proposing a group?  接触OFE.


  • Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, 和 Belonging Reading Group.  书: 公平对话与公平漫步.

Last Modified: Friday, May 3, 2024 12:42 pm