

作为美国的F-1或J-1国际学生或学者.S., it is important that you understand the tax requirements of your immigration status. You are legally required to file a tax return (Form 1040) 如果你在美国工作过.S. or received a stipend, grant, or allowance over a certain amount in the previous calendar year. 即使你没有在美国工作或获得收入.S.,你仍然有法律义务向国税局提交8843表.

两个主要的 联邦 Internal Revenue Service (IRS) forms that apply to international students and scholars are as follows:

  1. 表格8843(适用于F-1和J-1学生和学者)-此表格必须是 在6月15日或之前提交 不管你是否在美国工作.S. 上一年度.
  2. 表格1040 NR/NR- ez(适用于所有在美国工作的非移民).S.) -此表格必须是 在4月15日或之前提交 如果你在美国工作过.S. 上一年度.

到文件 状态 所得税 关于在新泽西完成的工作,你可以在 新泽西州税务部门网站. 到文件 状态 所得税 for work done in the 状态 of New York, you will find information on the 纽约州税务和财政部门网站. 对于其他州来说, please refer to that 状态’s web page for their department/division of taxation.

十大博彩推荐排名州立大学已安排免费进入 税务准备 为你. Sprintax将指导您完成税务准备过程, 整理好必要的文件,检查一下你是否需要退税. 点击 在这里 有关如何注册Sprintax的信息.

You can find forms and information on tax preparation as well as free brand-name software that can assist you with the preparation and e-filing of your 联邦 tax returns on the 国税局的网站. Important tax information regarding international students and scholars can be found on the 美国国税局的外国学生和学者页面. 除了, International Student and Scholar Services within the 全球参与办公室 provides annual access to a free online tax filing system for foreign nationals; information is e-mailed to international students and scholars by February of each year.



F-1 and J-1 students are non居民 for tax purposes for their first five years in the United States. J-1学者在前两年是非美国居民. 如果您是F-1或J-1学生,并来到美国.S. for the first time in 2019 or later, you are a nonresident for 2023 tax purposes. 如果你是非居民,不报税吗.  如果您是F-1或J-1学生,并在美国.S. 自2018年或更早,你必须参加 物质存在测试(SPT) 为2023年纳税目的确定您的居留身份.

我的雇主从我的薪水中扣税. 我还需要提交报税表吗?

是的. All non居民 must file a tax return for every year they are in the United States. 每一个你.S. 法律, employers are required to withhold a standard percentage of tax from each employee and to pay that tax to the U.S. 政府. Individuals must file a tax return at the end of each year to determine whether they owe additional taxes or to request a refund from the U.S. 如果他们的雇主在一年中扣除了太多的税款,政府就会通知他们.


在每个日历年结束后,美国政府将在.S. 雇主必须提供W-2表格, “工资和税单,” to their employees to summarize the amount paid for work with that employer during the year. A W-2 tax form shows important information about the income you’ve earned from your employer, 从你的薪水中扣除的税额, 本年度提供的福利及其他资料. 你必须收到每个美国移民局的W-2表格.S. 你在该年内为之工作的雇主. 你用这个表格来申报联邦税和州税. If you did 不 work in the United States during the year, you will 不 receive Form W-2.

我是十大博彩推荐排名大学的学生工作者/研究生助理. 我怎样才能拿到我的W2?

Montclair distributes W-2 forms to its employees through Workday in mid January. Individuals employed by Montclair during 2023 will receive an e-mail when Forms W-2 are ready and can retrieve their 2023 Form W-2 from Workday as follows:

  • 登录工作日
  • 点击“支付” 应用程序
  • 选择“我的税务文件” 在“视图”栏下
  • 按2023课税年度一列的“查看/列印”按钮

表格1098-T是收到款项的报告, 大量宣传, 或在纳税年度内退还学费和相关费用. Nonresident students do 不 need a Form 1098-T and it does 不 need to be included with a nonresident tax return. 那些有资格成为美国居民的人.S tax purposes may use the information on this form to determine their eligibility for certain education tax credits. 请联系 红鹰中心 关于这个表格的任何问题.


Form 1095 is a report of health insurance coverage that you had or were offered by a U.S. 上一年度的雇主.  此医疗保健表格提供以下信息 居民 报税时可能需要什么. 如果你不是本地居民, the Form 1095 is 为你r information only and does 不 need to be included on your nonresident tax return.


Form 1099 is a report of income received during the tax year from sources other than wages.

  • 表格1099-INT是一份美国银行存款利息收入的报告.S. 银行. Nonresident students and scholars are generally exempt from tax on this type of interest income.  然而, 居民 must include any bank interest reported on Form 1099-INT as taxable income on their tax return.
  • 表格1099-B和1099-DIV报告出售股票和债券的收益, 股息收入及资本利得. Both non居民 and 居民 must pay taxes on income reported on Forms 1099-B and 1099-DIV.

并不是每个人都会收到这些类型的税表. 如果你已收到其中一份表格, 你将需要它们来正确地准备你的纳税申报表.

我今年没有在美国工作. 我该怎么办??

All nonresident F and J international students and scholars must file 8843年形成, 即使他们这一年没有收入. F-2 and J-2 dependents of nonresident F and J international students and scholars must also file 8843年形成.  Sprintax可以帮助您准备所需的表格8843.  你亦可在以下网址自行查阅及拟备表格:  8843年形成.

我到了美国.S. 第一次是在2023年12月,但我没有工作. 2023年我需要报税吗?

是的. 如果你身在美国.S. 在1月1日以后的任何时间持有F - J签证, 2023, 到12月31日, 2023, 你必须在2023年提交8843表. Sprintax可以帮助您准备所需的表格8843.  你亦可在以下网址自行查阅及拟备表格:  8843年形成.

出于纳税目的,我是一个非居民. 我该用哪种纳税表格?

非居民必须使用非居民指定的纳税表格. 纳税表格, 税收规则, and tax software products that apply to 居民 are very different from the forms, 非居民必须使用的规则和软件. 居民和非居民都应该保护自己和他们的合法美国身份.S. 通过为他们的美国公民提交适当的纳税表格来获得移民身份.S. 税务居民身份.

非居民学生和学者使用表格1040NR 为他们的联邦(美国).S. 政府)税收.  “NR”是指“非居民”.  All nonresident F and J international students and scholars must also file 8843年形成, 即使他们这一年没有收入.  非美国居民.S. 税务目的必须 不 使用表格1040或1040A.

Individuals who qualify as 居民 for tax purposes use the same 1040 forms as U.S. 公民. 请参阅 “我应该以居民身份报税还是以非居民身份报税?“常见问题解答 for more information about determining your residency status for tax purposes.

OGE has partnered with Sprintax to provide nonresident 联邦 tax return preparation software at no charge to Montclair students and scholars. 斯普林塔斯将帮助您确定您是居民还是非居民, 准备所需表格, 如果你有资格的话,用电子方式提交你的纳税申报表. 留意来自oge@montclair的电子邮件.edu with instructions for accessing Sprintax for the 2023 tax filing season.

我结婚了. 我可否与配偶共同提交报税表?

According to the IRS, nonresident taxpayers can不 file a joint return with a spouse.  当申请, 你必须在报税表上选择“已婚分别报税”, regardless of whether or 不 your spouse lives with you in the United States.


Failure to properly file a tax return may lead to the IRS charging you substantial interest and penalties on past due taxes. 除此之外, failure to follow 税收规则 can have far-reaching legal consequences which may impact any future 应用程序 for additional immigration benefits.


Disclaimer: The resources on this page were prepared by the 全球参与办公室 as general guidelines to assist you in preparing your New Jersey and 联邦 政府 income tax returns. The information 在这里 is 不 professional tax advice and does 不 apply to every situation. If your tax circumstances are more complicated you should obtain professional tax advice from resources in the community, 比如Sprintax.