A student sitting down in a lounge chair working on her laptop in a colorful room.



出席 成绩 & 标准 重复的课程
审计课程 毕业论文/论文扩展 学业进步标准
取消课程 & 人员配备 研究生学分课程-本科生 学生课程负担
课程重叠 独立学习 学生的责任
学分 及格-不及格评分政策 扣留学生记录
注册验证 必备的课程


学生应该完成所有的课程要求,虽然出勤并不总是强制性的, 这是可取的. Absence from laboratory or studio sessions shall be by agreement with the instructor. Instructors should notify the students in writing of the attendance requirements for each course. Professors may penalize the students for failure to meet the specific attendance requirements. Students who register are considered enrolled in their course(s) regardless of attendance. 退款只会被处理, according to the deadlines published in each semester’s Schedule of Courses book. 不遵守此程序的学生将被收取其注册的所有课程的费用.

  • Lack of attendance does not constitute a basis for a refund or withdrawal from a course(s).
  • 学生不应该去上课 他们没有注册过


“旁听”一门课程就是定期上课, without the obligation of participating in class discussions, 实验室工作, 考试, 表演, 或者除了听力以外的任何课堂活动. Students that audit a class will be billed the required tuition and fees. They are not eligible for any type of 金融援助. Any student electing the audit option must complete an 审计程序 并交回注册官办公室 prior to the end of the third week of the semester 适用于定期课程或相当于短期课程及其他少于全学期的课程. 审计应用程序可在 表单页面.

Deadline for filing an 审计程序 can be found on the 重要日期页面.

取消课程 & 人员配备

The 大学 reserves the right to cancel any course for which the enrollment is insufficient. 学生可以注册另一门同等学分的课程,不受处罚,也可以全额退还学杂费. The 大学 also reserves the right to change faculty assignments, and therefore cannot guarantee students the faculty of their choice.


在得到两门课程讲师的书面批准以及负责教学领域的院长和主席的批准后,可以允许课程注册重叠. Students must submit written approval to 红鹰中心 in order to register for overlapping courses; the student or his/her representative must do this in person. 课程重叠表可在 表单页面.



Academic credits are awarded on the semester hour (S.H.)的基础上. 一学期学时, usually representing 50 minutes of class activity per week for 15 weeks, 等于1个学分. 学期学分也可以定义为一学期15周内每周150分钟的学术工作, 这通常是通过每周50分钟的面对面课堂活动来完成的,辅之以每周至少100分钟的实验室或课外作业(或不同长度的学期的等效作业)。. 它也可以通过等量的学术工作来完成,其中可能包括额外的课堂时间, 实验室工作, 实习, 实习工作室, 以及其他形式的学术工作.

艺术系和设计系, 戏剧和舞蹈, 和音乐遵循以下公式来确定课程学分,并与特定学科的认证机构合作.


Students may request an Enrollment Certification through their 账户. Students who have graduated may request a copy of their official transcript.



十大博彩推荐排名州立大学的高年级学生已经完成了105个学期的学士学位要求, 谁拥有至少3分.00 grade point average and have taken all required prerequisites, may apply to take up to 6 hours of 500 level courses for either undergraduate or graduate credit. 获得本科学分的研究生课程以后不能包括在研究生学位课程中. If courses are taken for graduate credit, graduate tuition and fees will be charged. 适当的表格可在网上找到 研究生网站 and must be submitted in person in the Graduate Office by the student or his/her representative. 本科学生被某门获得研究生学分的课程录取,并不意味着将来被任何研究生课程录取. That can only be done by a separate admissions process. 那些计划在大学攻读研究生课程的人应该参考研究生院网站了解具体的入学要求.


在毕业典礼前的一个学期结束时,在十大博彩推荐排名州立大学修满至少51个本科学分的本科生将获得毕业荣誉. 在其他机构的课程中获得的成绩将不计入毕业荣誉的计算.

十大博彩推荐排名州立大学护理学院的学生,在毕业前的一个学期结束时,在十大博彩推荐排名州立大学完成了至少32个本科学分 获得毕业荣誉.

成绩 of “A” through “D-” must be received for a minimum of 48 of these 51 credits.



  • 本科生 may request to take a course as an independent study by logging into their 账户 under “Personal Information” and then “Managing your record.”


及格-不及格评分政策 可在保单网站查阅.


学生有责任在安排辅修课程之前圆满完成一门必修课程. 学生将不被允许注册未满足先决条件的课程.



有可能提高课程成绩, 获得F的本科生, D-, D, D+ or WD in a course are permitted to repeat the course once, 最多两次尝试. Courses in which a student earned a grade of C- or higher may not be repeated, 除非官方有特别说明, 认可的课程要求(例如.g., specific teacher education certification requirements). 课程所在学院或学院的院长只有在有限的特殊和适当的证明的情况下,才有权批准额外的课程复读和/或与成绩相关的课程复读.

当一个课程被重复时, both the original and the subsequent grade are included on the permanent record, 但是这门课的学分只算一次. The highest grade earned will be recorded as the official final grade for the course, and will be the grade that is counted in the student’s GPA.

如果课程不再提供, 学院或学院的院长, upon request of the Chair of the Department offering the original course, reserves the right to approve an alternate course for repeat. 如果得到批准, 备选课程将作为当前课程重复政策的所有其他方面的精确重复.

在极少数情况下,学生可以通过在另一个机构完成同等课程来重复一门课程. 在这些情况下, 在其他机构获得的成绩将不计入十大博彩推荐排名州立大学的平均成绩, and may not satisfy grade-based prerequisite requirements. Students are required to consult with their advisor before repeating courses at other institutions. 该学生只能获得一次学分. 这门课程可以满足学位要求. 本科生必须参考, 确保坚持, 在参加十大博彩推荐排名州立大学以外的课程之前,在另一个机构完成的具体项目要求和大学政策.


To learn about potential impacts to eligibility for 金融援助, please refer to the 助学金学生手册.


Graduate students must adhere to the policies on repeat coursework found in the 研究生政策手册.

学业进步标准/Retention Undergraduate


  1. 被学校停学的学生, 作为学术排名的结果, 会在他们的成绩单上加上记号吗. 如果学生重新注册, remains in good academic standing and completes the requirements for graduation, the student may request removal of the notation at the time he/she files for graduation. Requests must be submitted to the Office of the Provost. 教务长, 与其他大学官员协商, will make the final decision regarding removal of the notation.
  2. 被大学开除的学生, 作为学术排名的结果, 会在他们的成绩单上加上记号吗. 符号是永久的.
  3. Notation will read as “Academic Suspension” and “Academic Dismissal” respectively.


Full-time undergraduate students should earn 15-16 credit hours per semester. Special permission is required to take a Course Overload of more than 19 credit hours. 要被认为是全日制学生,必须在整个学期中注册并继续积极注册至少12个学时.

全日制本科学生,至少有二年级的成绩(30个学分)和3.0 or above cumulative grade point average for the semester most recently completed may, upon the approval of the Dean of the College/School in which the student is majoring, 注册课程超载. A College/School Dean may make exceptions to the above eligibility criteria for a Course Overload. 23学分或以上的课程超载申请必须另外得到本科教育副教务长的批准. 所有“课程超载”的注册都是有名额的,必须亲自到红鹰中心办理. 对于注册超过19个学分的学生,学校保留在没有课程超载批准的情况下减少课程负担的权利. 表格可在 表单页面.

Part-time undergraduate students are students who are registered for less than 12 semester hours.

All full-time graduate students must register for a minimum of six (6) credits per semester, 最多允许十五(15)学分. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 研究生院网站-政策和程序.

Part-time graduate students are those registered for less than 6 credits. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 研究生院网站-政策和程序.

有关信息,请访问 研究生院,政策和程序.


The 大学 reserves the right to terminate the enrollment of any student whose conduct, 上课, academic record or financial obligation should prove unsatisfactory.

学生不应该去上课 他们没有注册过


对于对学校有经济义务的学生,将不发放文凭和成绩单.g. 图书馆、停车场、借阅等.)