
2015 Award Winners Celebrated at 4th Annual 补助金表彰酒会

发布: 补助金表彰酒会, OSP的公告


4月19日, the Office of 研究 和 Sponsored Programs (ORSP) 和 大学 Advancement jointly hosted 十大博彩推荐排名州立’s Fourth Annual 补助金表彰酒会. Nearly one hundred 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 faculty 和 staff were in attendance, CSAM院长Robert Prezant也出席了会议, CEHS院长塔玛拉·卢卡斯, 威拉德·金格里奇教务长, 和 Vice President for 大学 Advancement Jack Shannon. The event spotlighted the efforts of MSU’s faculty 和 staff in securing external sponsorship for their research 和 other service 和 scholarly programs in 2015.
The event, jointly organized by ORSP 和 大学 Advancement, was held in the Student Center. Representatives from across the 大学 were on-h和 to recognize a strong year of grants 和 gifts: 86 awards were received, 总共超过10美元.700万年.
4th Annual 补助金表彰酒会 Booklet (PDF)


Meiyin吴, 帕塞伊克河研究所所长, was recognized by the Provost for her consistent efforts in seeking 和 receiving sustained funding, 自2009年被任命以来, 从许多公共和私人来源. Examples include: the National Science Foundation, 内政部, 新泽西州环境保护部, 国家公园管理局, 环境保护署, 霍帕通湖基金会, 和维多利亚基金会, 总共超过1美元.7年500万美元. In addition to her own grant 和 research productivity, Dr. Wu advises 和 mentors junior faculty in their grant seeking activities, 并建议学生, advancing their research 和 efforts in applying for grants. Meiyin is always willing to collaborate with others, promoting the reputation of MSU’s research.


罗伯特·车 (约翰. 加州音乐学院, CART)因他的40美元而受到表彰,000 award from the Frank 和 Lydia Bergen Foundation, 以支持"毕业生弦乐四重奏.“四重奏的成员, 由上海四重奏指导, are the lead recruiting agents for the Cali School, providing a mobile ensemble exemplifying the School’s excellent quality to draw the highest-caliber players from major performing arts high schools 和 ensembles in the tri-state area. The Julius Quartet joined the graduate program for the 2015-16 academic year 和 represented the Cali School at Carnegie Hall with a performance of works by Mendelssohn, 托克, 和贝多芬.‌‌

佐伊霍尔德 (Educational Foundations, CEHS) was recognized for her $50,000 award from the Spencer Foundation. 她的批准, “An African American Dilemma: The Problem of School Integration 和 Civil Rights in the North,” will support the research 和 writing of an upcoming book–a social history of northern black debates over school integration.

弗兰Prezant 传播科学与疾病, CHSS)因她的20美元而获得表彰,凯斯勒基金会颁发的000美元奖金, for her grant supporting the “Montclair ReelAbilities Film Festival.” The NJ ReelAbilities Film Festival is dedicated to promoting awareness 和 appreciation of the lives, stories 和 artistic expressions of people with disabilities. The festival provides opportunities to access film media focusing on, or merely including people with disabilities as part of the l和scape of humanity while challenging stereotypic notions about disability 和 providing forums for post-film discussions with filmmakers, 演员, 和其他人.

大卫Talaga (化学与生物化学,CSAM) (无照片) 因为他的283美元被认出来了,164 award from the National Institutes of Health, 他的补助金名为, “Interfacially activated aggregation of alpha-synuclein,” which will investigate the progression of Parkinson’s Disease in order to evaluate drugs, 催化剂, 或者帕金森氏症的遗传原因. 他的院长,博士. 罗伯特·普雷赞特(Robert Prezant)以博士的身份领奖. Talaga代表.
Dr. 罗伯特·普雷赞特(Robert Prezant)因获奖而获奖. Talaga代表.

史蒂文·夏皮罗 (图书馆服务)及 桑德拉Passchier 地球与环境研究, CSAM) were recognized for their $20,000 award from the N.J. Council for the Humanities for “Rising Tide: What We Can Learn From the Dutch 和 their Relationship with Water,,包括一系列的讲座, film screenings 和 discussions exploring the Dutch, 他们与水的紧张关系, 和 what New Jersey can learn in the wake of Hurricane S和y. It also addressed related themes such as the Dutch Republic 和 its legacy in New Jersey 和 New York, 和 the history of human underst和ing regarding the sea 和 natural disasters from a local 和 global perspective.


詹妮弗城市米利暗Linver 家庭与儿童研究, CEHS)因其1美元而获得认可,796,560 award from the John Templeton Foundation for “Inspiring Youth Purpose through Reflection on the Laws of Life: Improving, 实现, 评估 & 研究ing the Inspire>Aspire Poster Program.” The program seeks to help youth identify 和 reflect on positive values 和 transform these into meaningful sustained actions that hold promise for helping youth thrive in today’s world.

克里斯托弗·马修斯 凯瑟琳·麦卡 (人类学, CHSS)获得了26美元的奖励,096 subaward from ValleyArts for the ArtPlace America-funded “Unearthing the Future: the Art of Reverse Archaeology – Interstate 280 in Orange, NJ.” The project will uncover lost knowledge about the City of Orange, 和 the City of Orange 和 ValleyArts will link that knowledge to a new counter-narrative for Orange through a series of arts interventions.

Jorge Lorenzo Trueba 地球与环境研究, CSAM)以365美元获奖,594 subaward from Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. The National Science Foundation-funded project “Coastal Processes 和 Human Response to Shoreline Change” will investigate the interactions between the natural processes that sculpt the shore with human measures adopted locally in response to shoreline change. 新泽西州和马萨诸塞州是测试案例.
Jorge Lorenzo Trueba获奖